Laurence de Crisnay, certified coach.

“Becoming autonomous with my nutrition was a long journey.”


Born and raised in France, food has always been a real source of pleasure, an exploration and a heritage. I love to discover new ingredients or recipes and to be able to share food with others. In many ways, food enhances life.


Motherhood, my various high intensity jobs in the fashion, beauty, and entertainment industries and my move to the United States have all been great sources of happiness for me, while also being very unsettling at times.


Trying to find a way to combine this intense lifestyle with my love of food was challenging. My weight was constantly fluctuating and none of the various diets I tried gave me the ideal outcome I was looking for. Oftentimes, their restrictive framework led to temporary results, but I never felt like I was learning to be independent in my nutrition choices.


In order to find the right balance, I decided to get my training in nutrition and neurobiology. I developed my method which combines an understanding of the needs of the entire body, with the acquisition of key skills to change habits over time. 


I tested my method on myself, and proceeded to share it with my friends, family, and clients who have all benefited from it greatly! 



University of Chicago – Course certificate : Neurobiology of everyday life


Health and Nutrition Master Coach – Precision Nutrition PN1 & PN2

Me, Fit & Free Method





Interview realized for the website Parkbench​

“For me, food is a pleasure, an exploration and a legacy. I like to discover it and share it. It enriches life in many ways.”